Pacific Rim Play Therapy LLC takes numerous steps as a precaution to minimize possible exposure and cleaniness.
COVID 19 Safety Protocol
- Clients are asked to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer upon entering the office.
- Marks are optional and are available at the office or you may use your own.
Patients or family members with possible exposure, symptoms or close contact
- All patients are informed that they need to call the office if they have been possibly exposed to Covid-19 or have been in close contact or symptomatic 24 hours prior to any appointments at the office.
- If a patient has been in close contact to a possible Covid-19 individual, they are asked to quarantine as recommended by the Department of Health or their physician and are not seen in person until cleared.
- Any patients with symptoms or fever above normal (98.6 degrees) are not allowed in the office and cannot return to in-person therapy unless they are cleared by their physician or have a negative Covid-19 test. You are to provide a copy of the test results or a doctor’s note.
Office cleaning and disinfecting
- HEPA Air filters are used in the air conditioned office.
- The restroom down the hall is cleaned daily.